Complimentary Pack
( )
NCKCN & CTC Members Only
Web space
Ads Placed
Unmetered Bandwidth
Authenticated Users
per website**
per website**
per website**
NCKCN & CTC Members Only
The perfect website for members needing a simple web presence
( )
Activate websiteVD Member Pack
( www.yourdomain.tld )
Virtual Domain NCKCN & CTC Members Only
Web space
Sub Domains
Unmetered Bandwidth
Authenticated Users
per website**
per website**
per website**
$10 per month*
VD NCKCN & CTC Members Only
The perfect website for members needing a robust web presence
( www.yourdomain.tld )
Sign upVD Non-Member Pack
( www.yourdomain.tld )
Virtual Domain Non-Members Only
Web space
Sub Domains
Unmetered Bandwidth
Authenticated Users
per website**
per website**
per website**
$49 per month*
VD Non-Members Only
The perfect website for those needing a robust web presence
( www.yourdomain.tld )
Sign upVD Member Commercial Pack
( www.yourdomain.tld )
Virtual Domain NCKCN & CTC Members Only
Web space
Sub Domains
Unmetered Bandwidth
Authenticated Users
per website**
per website**
per website**
$100 per month*
VD NCKCN & CTC Members Only
The perfect website for members needing a medium-large web presence
( www.yourdomain.tld )
Sign upVD Non-Member Commercial Pack
( www.yourdomain.tld )
Virtual Domain Non-Members Only
Web space
Sub Domains
Unmetered Bandwidth
Authenticated Users
per website**
per website**
per website**
$100 per month*
VD Non-Members Only
The perfect website for those needing a medium-large web presence
( www.yourdomain.tld )
Sign upVD Member Enterprise Pack
( www.yourdomain.tld )
Virtual Domain NCKCN & CTC Members Only
Web space
Sub Domains
Unmetered Bandwidth
Authenticated Users
per website**
per website**
per website**
$200 per month*
VD NCKCN & CTC Members Only
The perfect website for members needing a large web presence
( www.yourdomain.tld )
Sign upVD Non-Member Enterprise Pack
( www.yourdomain.tld )
Virtual Domain Non-Members Only
Web space
Sub Domains
Unmetered Bandwidth
Authenticated Users
per website**
per website**
per website**
$200 per month*
VD Non-Members Only
The perfect website for those needing a large web presence
( www.yourdomain.tld )
Sign up* = NCKCN reserves the right to change the prices listed above at any time, with or without notification. Those bound to NCKCN's web hosting services will receive a notification either via mail with their billing invoice or email 30 days prior to any price change.
** = NCKCN reserves the right to change the features listed above at any time, with or without notification. Usually when this occurs, the numbers for each feature increase which allows each website to have either more sub-domains, an increase in bandwidth, or an increase in authenticated users, however, this may not always be the case. If the features are increased, it is typically accompanied with a price increase. At this time, NCKCN's bandwidth transfer rate is set to allow speeds up to 100Mbps and is unmetered for each website account holder.
∞ = Infinite, Unmetered Bandwidth Usage.
Complimentary Pack (NCKCN & CTC Members):
North Central Kansas Community Network & Cunningham Telephone & Cable free member websites are all under the NCKCN sub-domain (example: Members of either organization receive 1 free website. To become a member of either organization, one needs to have services installed and active either at their household or at their place of business. If you are not the primary account holder, you will need to get in touch with the individual who is, either for your home or business to see if you may receive this free website before activation. If you are not the primary account holder and you send us a request to create/activate this free website, NCKCN will contact the primary account holder for verification purposes. Services to receive this free website include:
• Any pack listed for NCKCN's High-Speed Fixed Wireless Internet service
• Any package listed for CTC's Cable service
• Any package listed for CTC's Internet service
• Any package listed for CTC's Telephone service
Please note that NCKCN does not activate your free website until you request it. To activate your free website, simply click/tap the Activate website button above within the Complimentary Pack box and then fill out the form as instructed. A NCKCN staff member will create and activate your website upon receiving the request within 2 hours during normal business hours. If requested after hours, over the weekend, or over the holiday break(s), your website will be created and activated on the next normal business day. Once your website has been activated, you will receive either an email to your primary email account, or you may receive a phone call informing you that the website has been activated. Upon receiving this confirmation email and/or phone call, you may begin using your new website immediately and NCKCN, along with their partner CTC, hope you enjoy this free service.
Virtual Domain Packs (Members):
Virtual Domain member accounts (commercial & enterprise included) are under unique domain names (example: http://www.domain-name.tld - where tld stands for Top Level Domain such as: .com, .net, .org, etc...) rather than using NCKCN's sub-domain ( To become a NCKCN or CTC member, one needs to have services installed and active either at their household or at their place of business which contain any of the following service(s):
• Any pack listed for NCKCN's High-Speed Fixed Wireless Internet service
• Any package listed for CTC's Cable service
• Any package listed for CTC's Internet service
• Any package listed for CTC's Telephone service
Virtual Domain member accounts are typically reserved for those who would like to either upgrade their existing free members website to their own unique domain name rather than having their website on the NCKCN sub-domain or for members who would like to obtain their own unique domain name but still want and/or have their free member website active.
Virtual Domain Packs (Non-Members):
Virtual Domain non-member accounts (commercial & enterprise included) are under unique domain names (example: http://www.domain-name.tld - where tld stands for Top Level Domain such as: .com, .net, .org, etc...). These accounts are typically reserved for those who do not wish to obtain any other NCKCN or CTC service.
Non-Profit Organizations:
NCKCN offers free web hosting services to non-profit organizations. To receive NCKCN's free web hosting services, non-profit organizations must provide a copy of their 501(c)(3) form either as a paper copy or a digital copy and will need to send it either to NCKCN's main office:
109 N. Mill
Beloit, KS 67420
or by email to: Customer Service.
Also note, if your non-profit organization does not have a domain name and it would like NCKCN to register and manage one for it, NCKCN will forward the bill to your organization at no additional cost. Domain registration and renewal services does not fall under NCKCN's web hosting services and will be an expense on behalf of your non-profit organization.
Additional Services for Virtual Domain Account Holders:
In order to obtain any additional services provided below, please give NCKCN a call at: 1-785-738-2218 or send an email to Customer Service
• Domain Name Transfer = $20 per domain name
• 100 Additional Authenticated Users = $10 per month
• 10GB of Additional Web Space = $10 per domain name
• Off-Site DNS Hosting/Resolution = $5 per month
• SSL Certificates(s), or Secure Socket Layer Certificate(s) - (from http to https) = As low as $75/yr - However, price may vary depending on your SSL needs. Please call our main office for SSL prices.
• Unique Domain Name Email Account(s) Services - See NCKCN's Email Services page for more information

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